
Password Protection No Longer Works on WordPress with Elementor

Published: March 16, 2020
Updated: October 3, 2022
Thats About: 4 years ago

I love using WordPress as well as a number of plugins including Elementor, but every now and then, we come across an issue that takes us hours to work out.

In this instance, we use a number of password protected pages on a CPT on one of the big websites, we use Elementor to bring in the template and content for the client to view behind a password.

Recently, we’ve been informed by the customer, that this information is public and despite it saying “Password Protected” on the post, its extremely public.

First steps…

Here is the process I used to fix the issue of stopping the password-protected pages from being visible to everyone.

Time needed: 20 minutes

Fixing Issue of Password-Protected Pages with Elementor

  1. Set up the CPT or JetEngine Custom Post Type.

    Using Custom Post Type of JetEngine, create a new Post Type. Complete the title and the slug.

  2. Complete Labels where required.

    Fill in the labels where required, I leave these as default but some just don’t make sense depending on the post type required.

  3. Set up Advanced Settings

    Even if this is a password protected post type, I still complete the details as follows:
    – Is Public – True
    – Exclude from Search – False
    – Publicly Queryable – True
    – Show Admin UI – True
    – Show in Admin Menu – True
    – Show in Nav Menu – True
    – Show in Rest API – True
    – Register Query Var – True
    – Rewrite – True
    – Capability Type – Either Post or Page
    – Has Archive – True
    – Hierarchical – False
    – Menu Position – Your Choice
    – Menu Icon – Your Choice
    – Supports – Depends on what you would like

  4. Create Post or Page

    Now create a new post or page and fill out with the required content, then click publish.
    On the right-hand side make sure that ‘Visibility’ is set to Password protected and enter a password.

  5. Now either edit with Elementor or Create an Elementor Single Template.

    This is where the issue comes in, if you then create a template to use with this single post. Anything behind the password will be visible and public, which isn’t good.
    To rectify this issue, simply change the page template to Elementor Full Width.

  6. How to change the Page Template

    You can do this either on the ‘Edit Page’ section, then on the right-hand side go to ‘Page Attributes’

    Go to ‘Template” and select the drop-down, choose ‘Elementor Full Width’.

    If you are in Elementor, go to the settings wheel at the bottom right hand side of the toolbar.

    Then select Page Layout and change it to ‘Elementor Full Width”

    Click Update

Works like a dream…

Clear the cache if you have one and try the pages on an incognito browser, problem solved!


Rhys Adams

Rhys Adams

My name is Rhys, I love writing about things I’m passionate about. Whether it be travel, gadgets or some helpful information. I run a company called Cocoon Vehicles that offers Car Subscriptions.