
3 Set-up Tips on the Tesla Model 3 to make driving a pleasure.

Published: July 21, 2020
Updated: July 21, 2020
Thats About: 4 years ago

When you first get into the Tesla Model 3, the lack of buttons and the big screen in the centre can be intimidating, even for a gadget boy like me. But once you find your way around the menus and work out where the speedometer is, it does become easier over time.

There are lots of settings on the Tesla Model 3, these can be for functions in the car, your driving style and even down to your Tesla Dashcam settings.

Today I’m going to focus on the driving settings to make your ride in the Tesla Model 3 as comfortable and exciting as possible.

3 Set-up Tips to make driving a pleasure:

  1. Chill Out – I drive my Tesla Model 3 in Chill mode for the majority of the time, it makes the car drive and act very much like a traditional petrol/diesel car with the slower than usual pull-offs. Whilst I really love the acceleration of the Tesla Model 3, it can take me by surprise on the odd occasion and the slightest of foot movements can be speed limit breaking.
  2. Sports Mode Steering – Whilst many of my friends like light steering, for me I like to feel the pull in the steering. By keeping it in Sport mode on the steering setting, I get the feedback that I want when taking corners and from what a Tesla technician told me, it doesn’t use as much power as the power steering motor has less work to do.
  3. Regen Braking to Max – I love the way the brake regen on the Tesla Model 3 works and I keep it in Standard all of the time. I really can drive just using the one pedal for the majority of the time. This is also where you need to charge the battery to 80-90%, as if you charge it to full the brake regenerative system reduces the amount of energy passed back to the on-board batteries.

Have you got any set-up tips?

Have you got any set-up tips for making driving a Tesla Model 3 a pleasure, if so I’d love to hear about them.

Don’t forget the Referral Code!

If you are in the market to purchase, lease or finance a Tesla Model 3 then please don’t forget to use a Tesla Referral Code. This will give both parties some supercharging miles to use for them long trips.


Rhys Adams

Rhys Adams

My name is Rhys, I love writing about things I’m passionate about. Whether it be travel, gadgets or some helpful information. I run a company called Cocoon Vehicles that offers Car Subscriptions.